Friday, August 16, 2024

Texas: Pilot Point kills recall effort by refusing to schedule and sues, and then settles, with lead petitioner

Pretty crazy result in the Pilot Point City Council recall effort. The City Council has succeed in killing a recall after suing (and settling with) the lead petitioner.

The council refused to schedule the election against Council member Elizabeth Jones, with the vote 5-1-1 against. The recall appears to be over Jones' hosting the city's Christmas party and receiving $900 (it seems to have cost at least $1200). The claim is that this is a favor for the city that she should not have done (a free party appears to be considered a bribe).

The council is claiming that the petition has questionable dating of the signatures and other issues with the petitions.

The Council then sued lead petitioner Kelley Burgess (though members of the council claim they did not realize that a lawsuit would result) for legal costs in getting an injunction against scheduling the recall. Eventually they dropped the case against her and paid $14,000 in legal fees. But Burgess has dropped the effort. 

Texas has had this issue of councils' refusing to schedule recalls numerous times in the past. 

Kelley Burges

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