Sunday, August 25, 2024

Oregon: Lawsuit challenges appointment of recalled King City Councilmembers, who was appointed to different seat

Interesting lawsuit challenging the appointment of Smart Ocholi, one of the councilmembers who was ousted in the King City recall. Ocholi was ousted in the February 13th recall, but was appointed to replace a different councilmember in a separate seat (who was also removed on the same day) which may be a violation of Oregon law (as officials who lose a recall are not eligible to be selected as a replacement. One of the recall supporters, who was passed over for the position, was suing. 

In the recall, Mayor Jaimie Fender and Councilors Ocholi, Kate Mohr and Laurie Petrie all lost. There was no longer a quorum for the body.

The recall was over their vote for a Master Plan and Transportation System Plan, most notably a development plan for Kingston Terrace. One councilor who voted against the Transportation Plan is not facing a recall effort. 

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