Friday, August 9, 2024

Washington, DC: Recall effort against two Councilmembers looks like they won't get signatures

The recall efforts against two Washington, D.C. Councilmembers appear to be heading for failure, as petitioners suggest that they don't have the numbers.

Petitioners previously claimed that they have 4500 signatures for the recall effort against Councilmember Charles Allen. They are looking for 10K.  There is also complaints about a tip line for the recall of Councilmember Brianne Nadeau.

Both recalls are over rising crime issues, including Allen's push for criminal justice reform issues that were blocked by Congress and the Biden Administration last year. 

There are also debates over the cost of the recall, with some saying there will be a $2.6 million cost, while the pro-recall people are suggesting it would cost $300-$400,000. 

There is also discussion about fundraising, with Allen's team raising $125K and Nadeau raising $70K.

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