Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Texas: Missing affidavits throws Bastrop Mayoral recall into confusion

The City Clerk is claiming that the signed petitions against Bastrop Mayor Lyle Nelson are missing documents that makes the office unable to decide whether the recall should get on the ballot.

Nelson sued alleging that the recall has taken too long to make the November ballot and that petitions are missing a signature. Petitioners handed in over 1600 valid signatures, but did not have affidavits with each page. The petitioners have a cure period for this -- but the process is supposed to have a hearing and should be over 90 days before the election.

The recall effort is over claims that Nelson interfered with an investigation into a former Visit Bastrop CEO, who was also allegedly having an affair with. 

Update: Here's a discussion with City Councilmember Kevin Plunkett, a supporter of the recall, explaining the confusion.

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