Thursday, December 19, 2024

California: Deep look into San Mateo County Sheriff recall and the history of sheriff recalls in California

Here's a deep look at the effort to recall San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus and some details on the history of sheriff recalls in California.

I'm cited, especially on the fact that with only 58 sheriff's in the state, it's not a surprise that there are few recalls on the ballot.

While there have been a number of recalls against sheriffs in other places in the country (I see 4 since 2011 that made the ballot, with 3 removals), none have been in California. KQED's Brian Krans said that the most recent one he found (and maybe the only one) was in 1976 against Plumas County Sheriff W.C. Abernethy, who retired for six days before being sworn in for his sixth term in order to collect his pension. He was kicked out (though it was a close 2% margin).

The Supervisors are looking to put a ballot proposition for a vote in March allowing for removal of a sheriff with causes, with a 3/4's vote of the supervisor's. The article notes how California changed the law in the past over this.

The recall needs over 45,000 signatures.

The issue is over claims of a work romance and a use of slurs.  

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