Wednesday, June 26, 2024

North Dakota: Look back at attempt to recall Governor in 1935

Here's a look back at a recall effort against North Dakota Governor Walter Welford in 1935 over the continual difficulties of the Great Depression. The recall did not make the ballot, though the story of Welford's term was interesting.

Welford was the Lieutenant Governor and moved up when Governor Thomas Moodie was removed by the Supreme Court for not being a resident of the state (he had recently voted in Minneapolis). Moodie beat Lydie Langer, who was the wife of William Langer of quite a bit of recall note. and then beat Langer in 1936. William Langer was the Attorney General from 1916-1920 and was replaced by William Lemke. Langer ran against Lynn Frazier in 1920 and lost. Langer was the Governor elected in 1932, but was convicted and forced from office. 

Frazier and Lemke both lost in the 1921 recall. Langer than beat both in the 1940 US Senate election.

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