Friday, June 14, 2024

Alaska: Petitioners hand in Juneau School Board members

Signatures have been handed in for the recall of Juneau Board of Education President Deedie Sorensen and VP Emil Mackey, The recall is over a $7.9 million budget deficient, caused by what petitioners claim are accounting errors, though a district consolidation plan seems to be the big issue. Petitioners tried to include the consolidation plan in the petition, but was rejected because of the state's malfeasance standard (though even that may be easily surmounted due to recent court cases).  

Petitioners handed in 2408 for Mackey and 2396 for Sorensen. They need 2359 signatures to get on the ballot. The recall could cost $105,000.

Update: Here's an article opposing the recall effort and noting that school consolidation is a nationwide phenomenon.

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