Friday, May 17, 2024

Canada: Every signature tossed out in Calgary Mayoral recall effort

Every single signatures in the recall effort against Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek were thrown out. 369 signatures were subject to random sampling. All were missing the "notice of the recall petition" invalidating all 369. Additionally, 27 failed on invalid addresses and 12 had insufficiency affidavits. 6 didn't have witnesses, 2 missed dates, 2 missed petitioner signatures, 1 had a self-witnessing and 1 was a duplicate. 

The recall had already clearly failed, as the lead petitioner stated that he submitted 72,271 signatures and they needed 514,284.

The recall was seemingly over the single-use plastic law, though there is also a kitchen sink listing of complaints as well. This is the first recall attempt in Calgary (the law was adopted province-wide in 2022).

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