Friday, July 5, 2024

Arizona: Recall elections of two Page Councilors scheduled for November 5

The recall elections of Page Councilors David Auge and Mike Farrow has been scheduled for Election Day, November 5.

210 signatures were handed in. Not sure how many are needed.

The issue was a vote against a contract to modify Lake Powell Boulevard. 

California: Millbrae Councilmembers recall set for July 23

The recall effort against Millbrae Councilmembers Angelina Cahalan and Maurice Goodman is set for July 23rd (final day to get ballots in). 

The recall is over a San Mateo County plan to convert an Inn to a homeless shelter. Both are in their first terms.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New Op-ed on the Rise of the Running Mates

 Here's an op-ed that I wrote in Fox News on the Rise of the Running Mates. 

Ballotpedia notes that recall efforts at highest for first half of year since at least 2014

I haven't compiled data, but Ballotpedia said that the recall efforts are the highest since at least 2014. Note that the highest I've counted was in 2012 (the blog started in 2011), so presidential election years may see an uptick.

According to Ballotpedia, there were 266 recall efforts (in 164 jurisdictions). So far, 38 officials have been kicked out of office. 

California: Sunol Glen School Board members trailing in first batch of votes

Both Sunol Glen School Board Trustees Ryan Jergensen and Linda Hurley are losing the recall elections, with Jergensen trailing 254-218 and Hurley down 249-223. There's still a good bit of time for votes to be counted. 

The recall is after the board voted to limit the school to only flying US or California state flags. The school flew a pride flag during Pride Month. 

Petitioners handed in 307 signatures for Jergensen and got 300 valids; 306 handed in for Hurley, with 301 valids. They needed 246 signatures to get on the ballot.

Update: Votes totals are ticking closer, with Jergensen now down 274-246 and Hurley trailing 270-250.

Kenya: Recall efforts undertaken against 6 MPs

Recall efforts have been started against six ODM MPs, Gideon Ochanda, Elisha Odhiambo, Caroli Onondi, Emmanuel Wangwe, Memusi Kanchory and Bernard Shinali, after they voted against their party's position on a Finance Bill (they voted in favor). 

Kenya's law requires a High Court finding of a violation of either the Election Act, gross violation of the constitution, misconduct or mismanagement of public funds. The petition requires signatures of 30% of voters and 15% from each ward, and there is an absentee veto, where the recall needs at least 30% turnout for the recall to count.

Texas: Dickinson Mayor submits resignation papers

Following an earlier announcement that he was resigning, Dickinson Mayor Sean Skipworth has finally submitted his resignation in the face of a new recall effort, with a special election to be held in November. Skipworth will stay in office until then. The recall was over claims that he "failed to meet fiduciary responsibilities." There are a host of other complaints, including over his support for the hiring a city manager who has faced assault charges.

Dickinson has been the source of a bitter battle over the recall. The city attorney previously claimed that the recall was invalid after petitioners handed in about 1150 signatures and needed 689 valids (they had 30 days). The City Attorney said that the petitions did not confirm the number of signatures on each page; questions of who was facing a recall; and a lack of specifications on the recall claims.

Dickinson's auditor rejected a second attempt over claims that it didn't meet the specification requirement (a malfeasance standard/judicial recall law) for a recall to be allowed.

Skipworth also protested  that the non-city residents are gathering signatures, which violates local laws, though that law itself may violate US law (maybe?). 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Taiwan: Petitions handed in against Keelung City Mayor; Move to adopt a Queen of the Hill provision

The recall election against Keelung City Mayor Hsieh Kuo-liang (KMT) is looking to hand in nearly 40,000 signatures by July 5. They need about 31,000. Kuo-liang is facing criticism over a scandal involving a commercial property at the harbor. 

The KMT is looking to change the law, which currently has a "absentee veto" requirement (25% must turnout for the recall to count). They would add a "queen of the hill" provision, which requires the pro-recall vote to top the amount of signatures received in the official's original election. 

Texas: Crockett City Council member facing discussion of council recall

 Voters are discussing a recall effort against Crockett City Council member Darrell Jones for failing to appear at meetings. However, the charter doesn't spell out a recall law so it may not be possible. There is an internal affairs report dealing with Crockett Economic and Industrial Development Corporation and the conduct of the Executive Director which is a source of significant controversy.

Colorado: Victor Mayor and City Councilor facing petitions

Petitions have been taken out against Victor Mayor Barbara Manning and City Councilor Buck Hakes over the firing of maintenance coordinator (seems like he was fire chief and this was a volunteer role) for the Victor Volunteer Fire Department. Petitioners need 15 signatures for Hakes and 40 for Manning by August 12.

An election would cost between $3,000 and $5,000.