Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Arizona: Liberty Elementary School Board in Buckeye members facing recall efforts

Two Liberty (in Buckeye) Elementary School District Board members, President Bryan Parks and BP Kris Kenyon, are facing recall efforts. Teachers are complaining about intimidation, financial mismanagement and removal of education services. There are complaints of 38% absentee rate and numerous teachers have resigned. The Superintendent is also facing calls for removal. 

Petitioners need over 2000 signatures. 

Arizona: Two Gadsden School Board recall efforts make the ballot

A recall effort against Gadsden School Board Liliana Arroyo and Board President Luis Marquez has made the ballot. 

The claim against Arroyo appears to be that she doesn't have enough proficiency in English. Not clear what the argument against Marquez is. 

Petitioners handed in1464 signatures against Arroyo and got 1080 valid. They needed 777. They Marquez recall had 1086 valids and needed 777. 

There was a recall effort against Marquez last year that failed, as petitioners turned in almost 900 signatures, but only 128 were valid. They needed 777. Not clear what that recall was about either.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Arkansas: Once again, Constitutional Amendment proposed for a recall

For the second term, Arkansas House Representative Fran Cavenaugh (R) has proposed a bill to adopt the recall for state officers. 

Arkansas has a long history with the recall, including adopting it in 1912, where it was thrown out on a technicality. 

UK: Wales Parliament pushing forward with recall law

The ongoing effort to adopt a recall for the Senedd, the Welsh Parliament, seems to be moving forward, with a potential vote in May.

The recall copies the UK law, which would allow recalls if an MP is suspended for 10 days, but also uses a provision that is similar to other places (like Idaho) whereby the removed officials is replaced by someone in their own party.

California: San Mateo County Sheriff Ballot Measure moves to a vote, with recall threat still looming and the history of sheriff recalls in California

Ballots have been mailed out for the March 4th vote on Measure A, which will allow the San Mateo County supervisors the power to remove County Sheriff Christina Corpus for cause. The issue is over claims of a work romance and a use of slurs.

There are recall threats as well, though petitioners need over 45,000 signatures to get to the ballot. 

We've previously seen the deep look at the effort, especially on the fact that with only 58 sheriffs' in the state, it's not a surprise that there are few recalls on the ballot.

While there have been a number of recalls against sheriffs in other places in the country (I see 4 since 2011 that made the ballot, with 3 removals), none have been in California. KQED's Brian Krans said that the most recent one he found (and maybe the only one) was in 1976 against Plumas County Sheriff W.C. Abernethy, who retired for six days before being sworn in for his sixth term in order to collect his pension. He was kicked out (though it was a close 2% margin).

California: San Francisco Supervisor recall officially kicks off

San Francisco Supervisor Joel Engardio has officially kicked off over the passage of Prop. K, which will lead to a new park and the closing of the Great Highway. 

Petitioners need about 9400 signatures by late May.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

South Dakota: Baltic Mayor who survived recall vote in 2023 resigns with much of city government

 A year and a half after surviving a recall vote Baltic Mayor Deborah McIsaac, and a number of other elected officials and staffers, resigned over frustration with a construction project that was the source of the recall effort. 

McIsaac survived the September 2023 recall vote, 301-224 (Jamie Ingemensen, one of the petitioners, ran against McIsaac). 

The owner of the project claims that McIsaac and other city officials have thrown up roadblocks to stop the project from continuing.

Kansas: Petitions taken out against Junction City Commissioner

Petitions have been taken out against Junction City Commissioner Jeff Underhill over complaints about misconduct. Underhill was recently chosen as Mayor by the other Commissioners.

Petitioners need 390 signatures in 90 days. Kansas is a malfeasance standard/judicial recall state and the petitions still must be approved by the County Attorney.

Michigan: Petitions approved against Hamtramck Public School Board member

Petitions have been taken out and approved against Hamtramck Public School Boardmember Regan Watson, who was allegedly absent for over a year, though has now returned. There seems to be an interpersonal dispute with the former Board president Jihan Aiyash, who also missed a good number of meetings in 2022. The lead petitioner (who is on the Zoning Board) worked on a campaign for the former board president's brother.

Facebook posts are claiming that Watson was pushing a "LGTBQ agenda" once the council did not have a "Muslim majority." 

Petitioners need at least 1200 signatures to get on the ballot. 

Nebraska: Two Bartley Trustees facing February 11 recall vote

Bartley Trustees Cori Hage and Dave Wineland are facing a recall vote on February 11 (though it is all mail). It sounds like a number of other board members resigned (there are five in total).

The recall is over a $1.1 million renovation project, including maintenance and purchasing a building for the library and office and conference spaces, as well as the firing of a full-time maintenance manager (who is back at the job).

The village's population has fallen from 355 in 2000 to 270 in 2020. Petitioners handed in 40 signatures and needed 28.