Friday, March 27, 2015

Massachusetts: Petitions handed in for Hinsdale Select Board Chair

Hinsdale Select Board Chairwoman Bonnie Connor is facing a possible recall, as almost 400 people signed the recall petition. They needed 280 signatures. Voters approved the petition 202-95. Connor had previously faced a challenge in December 2013, when more than 300 people asked for her resignation. Then two months ago, 100 people signed a petition to recall Connor over the firing of the Police Chief and transfer station attendant.

This recall does not specify that reason, just incompetence. They are also claiming violations of open meeting laws.


  1. There is a video that shows Goddard laughing in a meeting about the Hinsdale tax payers having to pay the fines for those broken meeting laws.

  2. "This recall does not specify that reason, just incompetence. They are also claiming violations of open meeting laws." Seriously? Get the facts straight when you "Blog" the reasons on file for her recall are: incompetence and malfeasance. She has cost this town thousands of dollars with her vendettas and incompetence.

  3. Incompetence and malfeasance aren't the same as firing someone. In many jurisdiction the recall petitions have a chance to specify the exact cause, as oppose to just using catch-all terms like incompetence and malfeasance. And blog doesn't have to be in quotes.


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