Sunday, May 29, 2022

Minnesota: Robbinsdale City Council member resigns

Robbinsdale City Council member Tyler Klin has resigned after signatures were verified in the recall effort against him. Klin was charged with drunk driving and fleeing police. The election was scheduled for Election Day in November. It sounds like Klin will be replaced in a special election.

Former Mayor Regan Murphy lead the petitions, which needed 654 signatures in 30 days. 730 were submitted. As Minnesota is a malfeasance state, they need approval to move forward, though I don't see a reference to any case. 

Oregon: Nestucca School Board recall effort fails

The recall effort against Nestucca Valley School Board members Bill Hagerty, Diane Boisa and Shane Stuart failed, with petitioners not handing in the needed 375 valids. The board was seemingly targeted due to its support for restrictions to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and general "critical race theory" complaints.

Canada: Recall effort started against British Columbia MLA

British Columbia MLA Harwinder Sandhu (Vernon-Monahsee) is facing a recall effort led by one of the Ottawa trucker protestors. The issue is complaints over restrictions put in place to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Petitioners would need signatures of 40% of turnout in 60 days.

California: Corona-Norco School Board Member facing petitions

Corona-Norco School Board Member Jose Lalas is facing a recall effort over his support for vaccine mandates to combat the spread of the coronavirus, as well as claims of critical race theory. Petitioners would need 6916 signatures by September 2. Lalas has been on the board since 1990.

New Jersey: Hoboken Councilman facing recall efforts

Hoboken Councilman Phil Cohen is facing a recall effort over claims of promoting special interests. There seems to be questions about how the particulars would work, though the signatures required would be 25% of turnout in 160 days). 

The article also looks at some of the recent recall efforts in Hudson County. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

California: Almost $9 Million raised for both sides of SF District Attorney recall

Almost $9 million has been raised on the recall of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, with $6M going to the recall campaign and $2.7M for Boudin's defense. 

Mission Local's Joe Eskenzai looks at the reason (or lack thereof) for the Boudin recall and what it says about SF politics. 

Florida: Push continues to add recall law for Brevard County school board

A push is going on to enact a recall law for school board members in Brevard County. Public Defender Blaise Trettis is leading the effort, which was rejected by the charter commission.  School board members are the only county elected officials not covered by the recall law.

Texas: Signatures handed in against Denton City Council member

Petitioners appear to have turned in enough signatures for the recall of Denton City Council member Alison Maguire. The recall effort began when Maguire used a meme (Who killed Hannibal?) to complain about the leadership of the County Transportation Authority. Previous articles noted that the recall is part of redistricting which turned it into a more conservative district. Petitioners needed 673 signatures to get on the ballot.

Former Councilmember Dan Duff lead the recall effort. The article also noted that there are complaints about signature gathering too close to the polls, though it is unlikely much will come of that.  

Minnesota: Recall of Robbinsdale City Council member makes the ballot

Signatures have been verified in the recall effort against Robbinsdale City Council member Tyler Kline, after he was charged with drunk driving and fleeing police. The election will be on Election Day in November.

Former Mayor Regan Murphy lead the petitions, which needed 654 signatures in 30 days. 730 were submitted. As Minnesota is a malfeasance state, they need approval to move forward, though I don't see a reference to any case. 

Wisconsin: Green Bay Mayor recall effort fails

The recall effort against Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich (D) failed, seemingly with no signatures to be handed in. The recall was over accepting donations from a nonprofit to help the city run elections to the coronavirus pandemic. This appears to be part of a nationwide effort to attack election administrations. 

The recall effort is led by David VanderLeest, who lost a State Assembly race in 2012 to Genrich. VanderLeest also ran (and lost) against State Senator Dave Hansen (D) in the 2011 recall.

Petitioners would need over 9700 signatures to get to the ballot.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Wisconsin: Orfordville Village President resigns in face of recall vote

Orfordville Village President Gary Phillips resigned in the face of a recall election (after signatures were handed in). The issue seemed to be charges of overreaching into police department matters, which led to the resignation of the police chief. The replacement race will be held on June 28.

California: Laguna Woods HOA holding upcoming recall vote

Laguna Woods's Third Laguna Hills Mutual (an HOA) will have an upcoming recall election against Board Members Robert Mutchnick and Lynn Jarrett, with a result scheduled for June 3 Mutchnick is running in the replacement race, along with N. Cris Prince, Karen Shore and Jules Zalon.  

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Minnesota: Signatures verified in Two Harbors Mayor recall

It looks like the recall of Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson has gotten to the ballot after an earlier issue to the first signature gathering efforts. Petitioners handed in 618 signatures and have 532 valids, they needed 498. The recall is still to be scheduled.

Petitioners previously gathered signatures, claiming they had 970 signatures for the recall, but they pulled those petitions over a lawsuit that would have removed the anonymity for any signers. The suit sought to require the signatures be revealed. 

The recall is seemingly over claims that Swanson used a podcast to discuss an underwater hotel in Lake Superior, thereby using his title as mayor to attract investors, and plans to fund city projects with cryptocurrency. 

There is a separate suit by a Republican County official asking the recall to be tossed out over Minnesota's strict malfeasance standard/judicial recall rules, which has led nearly all petitions (but one!) that I've seen have been rejected at that stage. The City Attorney wrote an opinion that he used the position for personal benefit, which could allow them to overcome the malfeasance standard. Interesting provision in the charter -- if there are less than two years in the term, the council appoints a replacement. If there are more, than there is a special election. 

California: LA County Supervisor backs DA recall effort

Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger has announced that she is backing the recall effort against District Attorney George Gascon over reports on his zero-bail policy.

Friday, May 20, 2022

California: Polls show District Attorney in trouble; Editorials on Proposition C

New polls have shown that San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is behind in the recall effort. The SF Chronicle also compiles a list of leading replacement possibilities if Boudin loses the seat. 

There are also dueling editorials on Proposition C, of which I will have quite a bit more to say in an op-ed (hopefully out next week). The San Francisco Chronicle opposes the measure, though it is focused on the fact that it bars replacements from running for election to the seat. The Chronicle also agrees with the proposal's plan to increase the grace period in which a recall would not be allowed from 6 months at the beginning of the term to 12 months, as well as 18 months at the end of the term.

The SF Examiner's editorial is in favor of the Proposition. 

Louisiana: State Representative flip-flop leads to suspension of recall effort

Louisiana State Representative Joe Stagni (R) was facing a recall threat after he voted to sustain a veto of an anti-transgender sports measure (which he has since voted in favor of) as well as not supporting a petition against the governor's emergency powers during the pandemic. The group leading the effort, called RINO Recall, said they are suspending the effort due to his flipping positions.

Michigan: Flint School Board President facing recall threats; petition language rejected

A recall petition against Flint Board of Education President Joyce Ellis-McNeal was rejected for language clarity issues. The recall claims Ellis-McNeal violated policy by voting to reopen contracts. It is not clear who originated the recall. Ellis-McNeal only became the president recently, after previous president Danielle Green was charged with assaulting another board member during a meeting.

UK: Labour threatens to recall MP after harassment conviction

The Labour Party is threatening to launch a recall against MP Claudia Webbe (formerly Labour, now independent) if she does not resign her seat. Webbe received a suspended sentence after she was convicted of harassment for calling her partner's friend and threatening her with acid (and also to release naked pictures and videos of the friend). Webbe is appealing the conviction.

The UK's Recall Law requires a conviction to be used (if the sentence if more than a year, than the MP is automatically expelled, but there was no jail time here). Petitioners would need the signatures of 10% of registered voters in six weeks.

Webbe replaced Keith Vaz as MP. Vaz also was a potential candidate for recall. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

California: Three Willows officials facing recall efforts

Willows Mayor Larry Domenighini, Vice Mayor Garry Hansen and Councilmember Kerri Warren are facing recall efforts over a sewer rate increase on multi-family units and complaints about spending. Petitioners need 768 signatures, with a deadline of May 23 for Domenighini and Hansen and May 28 for Warren.

California: San Diego County Supervisor recall fails

The recall effort against San Diego County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer (D) failed. The recall was over her support for efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Petitioners needed over 40,000 signatures by May 12. Petitioners handed in less than 400. 

Texas: Denton City Council member facing petitions

Denton City Council member Alison Maguire is facing petitions, though it is not clear what the issue is (redistricting into a more conservative district seems to play a part in the recall effort). Petitioners need 673 signatures to get on the ballot.

Former Councilmember Dan Duff is leading the recall effort.  

Washington: Judge approves petitions against three Richland School Board members

A judge has approved petitions against three Richland School Board Semi Bird, Audra Byrd and Kari Williams over a vote to make mask mandates optional, which allegedly violates state law that mandated masks to fight the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. They are planning to appeal to the Supreme Court.

Because Washington is a malfeasance standard/judicial recall state, the judge would have to approve the petitions as showing a violation of state law. Petitioners would need at least 5000 signatures each. 

Nevada: Washoe School Board Recall Effort fails

The recall effort against Washoe County School Board Member Angie Taylor failed. Petitioners had to hand in signatures half way through the effort and got 624 out of the 11,000 needed. The recall was backed by Robert Beadles, who also led a failed recall effort against Washoe County Commissioner Vaughn Hartung (R). The petitioner was apparently spreading election fraud conspiracies.

Michigan: Somerset Township Treasurer resigns in face of recall effort

Somerset Township Treasurer Joshua Bice resigned in the face of a recall effort over payments made to a Supervisor for work for the fire department. The petitions were being reviewed for clarity/factualness. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

California: Poll shows SF DA trailing in recall vote

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is facing some poor poll numbers, with KRON4 reporting that 57% plan to vote for a recall (22% vote in Boudin's favor and 21% undecided).

Here's a San Francisco Chronicle story by Joe Garofoli on one of Boudin's biggest problems -- a lack of an opponent. 

Michigan: Maple Valley Township Supervisor recall scheduled for November 8

The recall effort against Maple Valley Township Supervisor John Schwandt has got enough signatures, with the recall scheduled for November 8. He is facing Daniel Boes, who is running without party affiliation. 

Petitioners handed in 370 signatures and got 294. They needed 274.

The recall is over two votes regarding wind farms. One was a vote in favor of a six month moratorium and the other was the cancellation of a ballot question on wind farms. Schwandt is also facing an opening meeting violation complaint over closing public comments over parking. Presumably, the recalls are from opponents of wind farms. 

There is also a recall effort against Sidney Township Board member Jed Welder over wind farm issues.

Colorado: Rio Blanco County Commissioner ousted

Rio Blanco County Commissioner Gary Moyer was kicked out in a May 10 recall election, 1160-717.  Virginia Love (R) won the replacement race over Terry Smalec, 995-522. Love is also running in the June primary. 

The recall was over complaints of verbally abuse and misusing his power against employees, as well as trying to eliminate the Dispatch Center and a lack of transparency. 

This was apparently the first recall attempt in Rio Blanco County history.

Michigan: Petitions taken out against Bridgman School Board Members

Petitions were filed against Bridgman School Board President Eric Ramso and Trustees Nancy Hawley and Wayne Hall over their support for mask mandates to combat the coronavirus pandemic. One of the petitions has been withdrawn and the other two have been rejected on factualness and clarity grounds.

Michigan: Adams Township Supervisor and Clerk facing recall efforts

Adams Township Supervisor Mark Nichols and Clerk Stephanie Scott (R) are facing recall efforts. The story is behind a paywall, so we'll have to wait for more information. Nichols won office in 2018 in a recall and survived one a year later.

Update: Scott is accused of removing an tabulation from an election device, which has led to a State Police investigation. She was then banned from running the 2021 election.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Michigan: Petition approved against New Buffalo Mayor and Councilman

Petitions have been approved against New Buffalo Mayor John Humphrey and Councilman Brian Flanagan. The issue was a vote in favor of a ordinance banning short-term rentals. Humphrey is also facing a petition over having someone kicked out of a council meeting.

Minnesota: Petitioners pull Two Harbors Mayor recall signatures over anonymity concerns; will restart effort

A lawsuit filed in the Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson recall effort has led to petitioners pulling the petition over a potential loss of anonymity for any signers. The suit seeks to require the signatures be revealed. Petitioners claim they have 970 signatures for the recall They need about 450 valids. They are going to try again.

We've seen the issue of anonymity crop up before, with California using anonymity and preventing the revelation of any names of signers and Wisconsin taking the opposite route, leading to problems for some signers

The recall is seemingly over claims that Swanson used a podcast to discuss an underwater hotel in Lake Superior, thereby using his title as mayor to attract investors, and plans to fund city projects with cryptocurrency. 

There is a separate suit by a Republican County official asking the recall to be tossed out over Minnesota's strict malfeasance standard/judicial recall rules, which has led nearly all petitions (but one!) that I've seen have been rejected at that stage. The City Attorney wrote an opinion that he used the position for personal benefit, which could allow them to overcome the malfeasance standard. Interesting provision in the charter -- if there are less than two years in the term, the council appoints a replacement. If there are more, than there is a special election. 

California: Petitioners claim over 400K signatures in LA District Attorney recall

Petitioners claim that they have over 400,000 signatures for the recall of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon. They need 566,857 by July 6. Note that the effort has been a long running affair (with the first set of petitions start last February, though any signatures from then are not counted in this number). 

How many signatures do they actual need? Good question --- and here's my look at the signature failure rate in previous recalls. 

Oregon: Split decision in Banks Fire District 13 Board Members recall vote

We have a split decision in the Banks Fire District 13 recall. Board Member Mark Schmidlin lost his seat by 35 votes out of 1607, with 51.1% against. Ed Ewing survived the vote with only 47.6% voting for his removal. 

The recall was over claims that they failed to quickly investigate claims that the fire chief sexually harassed a minor as well as made racist and sexist remarks.

Illinois: Dolton Mayor sues to stop June 28 recall election

The recall election against Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard, set for June 28 recall vote, is now facing a lawsuit, with Henyard claiming the recall is unconstitutional.

The recall does not seem to have signatures handed in, but was rather put on the ballot by the village board. They put two referendums on the ballot, one creates a law allowing the recall of the mayor and the other asking for the recall. 

Henyard faced a previous recall effort when she served as trustee, leading to an appellate court decision that the board cannot remove the official by a board vote but can have a recall. 

The recall is over a slew of complaints: taking a Township Supervisor job that pays $250,000 which seen as a conflict of interest; keeping the board from meeting, paying bills and refusing to show what is being paid, as well as hiring a code enforcement officer who spent 24 years in prison for kidnapping and sexual assault. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Michigan: Lawsuit seeks to reinstate signatures in Davison School Board Member recall

A lawsuit is claiming that the County Clerk miscounted 150-200 signatures in the recall effort against Davison School Board Member Matthew Smith Jr. The petitions failed by 96 signatures (Smith is also the chairman of the Genesee County Republican Party). Petitioners handed in 4025 signatures and needed 3698 signatures to get on the ballot. The got 3593. (This article claims it is 38 signatures short).

Smith has been charged with malicious use of telecommunication services (he is accused of harassing the Houghton County Clerk by calling her and threatening to kill her dogs). 

Minnesota: Lawsuit asks court to toss out Two Harbors Mayor recall

A Republican County official has filed suit to toss out the recall of Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson

Petitioners claim they have 997 signatures for the recall They need about 450 valids. They recall is seemingly over claims that he used a podcast to discuss an underwater hotel in Lake Superior, thereby using his title as mayor to attract investors, and plans to fund city projects with cryptocurrency. 

The lawsuit is over Minnesota's strict malfeasance standard/judicial recall rules, which has led nearly all petitions (but one!) that I've seen have been rejected at that stage. The City Attorney wrote an opinion that he used the position for personal benefit, which could allow them to overcome the malfeasance standard. Interesting provision in the charter -- if there are less than two years in the term, the council appoints a replacement. If there are more, than there is a special election. 

Michigan: Sidney Township Board member ousted in recall

Sidney Township Board member Jed Welder (R) was ousted in a recall vote, losing to Erik Benko 389-196. Turnout was 32%. The Democratic Party did not nominate a candidate. The issue was a vote by Welder in favor of a wind farm.

Petitioners handed in 370 signatures, they got 306 and needed 274. It took three tries to get the language approved. 

Michigan: Lee Township Trustee and Supervisor kicked out in recall

Lee Township Supervisor Kristy Gustafson and Trustee Darla Rippee  were kicked out in Tuesday's recall election, with Gustafson losing to Doug Kruger (875-220) and Rippee losing to Mark List (883-210). Kruger and List were leaders of the recall effort.  The recall was apparently over the closure of the town dump. Rippee attended the meeting on the petition language and was found to have an active case of COVID, ending the meeting.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Michigan: Leelanau County Commissioner kicked out

Leelanau County Commissioner William Bunek (R) was kicked out in a recall vote yesterday, losing to Lois Bahle, 786-643. Bahle lost to Bunek in the last two elections. The vote flips control of the County Commission to a 4-3 Democratic majority.

Bunek, who has been in office for 14 years, faced the recall over his efforts to zero out Early Child Services millage. Voters passed that law in 2019, and a 4-3 vote by the council tossed it out.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Washington: Supreme Court tosses out recall effort against Governor

The Washington State Supreme Court has tossed out an appeal of a Washington State Superior Court rejection of a recall effort against Governor Jay Inslee over steps he took to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Oregon: Signatures verified in Central Oregon Coast Fire & Rescue Board member recall, set for June 7

Over 300 signatures have been verified in the recall against Central Oregon Coast Fire & Rescue Board Member Todd Holt (404 turned in, 333 verified) and Kathryn Menefee (403 turned in, 320 verified). Petitioners needed 292 valids. The complaint seems to be over a call by Holt over to a building inspector asking for an inspection of a station and coordinated criticism of the fire chief. The petition effort was led by former board member Peter Carlich, who lost to Menefee.

Update: The two were ousted in the recall vote on June 7, 2022.

Michigan: Petitions filed against Otisco Township Supervisor and Treasurer

Petitions have been filed against Otisco Township Supervisor Desmond Pike and Treasurer Paula Byrne over complaints about spending and passing the same budget as the last year (as well as complaints about office hours and other issues). Former township treasurer Cara Johnson, who lost to Byrne in the 2020 Primary, filed the petitions. All three are Republicans. It sounds like 263 signatures are needed. 

Update: The language was rejected and petitioners are looking to refile the effort.