Friday, September 28, 2018

Washington: Judge holding up Kennewick Council recall effort

A Benton County Superior Court Judge has delayed a decision on the recall of Council member/former Mayor Steve Young. The Judge had previously tossed out six of the seven charges over a lawsuit Young lost, but did approve the charge of violating Washington's Fair Campaign Practices Act. The language of the ballot would read "forwarding an email that can be interpreted as soliciting from a city of Kennewick employee a contribution on behalf of Dan Newhouse." Newhouse is Congressman Dan Newhouse (R).

Washington is a malfeasance standard/Judicial recall state, so the courts needed to way in on whether the recall meets the for cause requirement.

Petitioners need about 2675 signatures to get on the ballot.

Illinois: Signature gathering taking place in Wheeling Village President

Petitioners claim to have gathered 450 signatures in the recall of Village President Pat Horcher over claims of incompetence and that he is not paying a "fair share" of property taxes on his farm. Petitioners would need 744 signatures (33% of turnout). The petitioner backed the former Village President in his 2017 reelection bid, which was lost to Horcher.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

UK: Recall of MP Paisley fails due to signature issue

The recall attempt against MP Ian Paisley failed, as petitioners missed the signature attempt by 444 signatures. They needed 7500.

Paisley was suspended and criticized after receiving unreported all-expense paid vacations to Sri Lanka.

Colorado: Englewood Councilmember survives recall vote

Councilmember Laurett Barrentine survived her recall vote 734-688. The recall was over claims of bullying and firing threats. Petitioners included two former mayors.

Texas: Forest Hill Councilwoman recall tossed out by judge

The recall attempt against Councilwoman Stephanie Boardingham has been tossed out by a district court judge who ruled that the petition did not give specific reason enough reasons for the recall and that the petition was not sent to the city council but to the city itself.-- too late for the May 5 primary ballot, but it could be on for Election Day in November.

The claims include complaints about her vote on matter dealing with her business (a market), spending money on car rentals and hotel rooms. She also filed a lawsuit against the city in 2016 over a flea market that she operated. Petitioners handed in 322 signatures.

The lead petitioner is former Mayor Gerald Joubert, who was elected to the city council. There is also an investigation into whether Joubert actually witnessed the signatures on the petition.

Illinois: Wheeling Village President facing recall effort

Village President Pat Horcher is facing a recall effort over claims of incompetence and that he is not paying a "fair share" of property taxes on his farm. Petitioners would need 744 signatures (33% of turnout). The petitioner backed the former Village President in his 2017 reelection bid, which was lost to Horcher.

Nebraska: York Mayor puts forward defense statement against recall effort

Mayor Orval Stahr submitted a defense to the recall effort over claims of intimidation and misbehavior. Council member Diane Wolfe is leading the recall effort. Petitioners would need 1150 signatures (35% of turnout in the last race) in 30 days to get on the ballot. Any replacement would be appointed by the council.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Colorado: Dolores School Board member facing October 9 recall vote

The recall of board member Vangi McCoy on October 9 will be a mail-in ballot. Two contenders, Keith Moore and Joe Warren Reed, have entered the race. The issue appears to be claims that the school has dropped in rankings.

There was also trouble appointing a successor to Board President Dee Prock, who resigned rather than face the recall vote.

Colorado: Brush Councilwoman recall election scheduled for December 11

Councilwoman Jeanine Anderson will be facing a December 11 recall vote over complaints about alleged abusive behavior to other members of the government and the police. Petitioners handed in 162 signatures and got 131. They needed 69.

Colorado: Williamsburg Mayor and two trustees facing recall efforts over property decision

Mayor Jerry Farringer and Trustees Robert Busetti and Forrest Borre are facing a recall over embezzlement claims following a vote to vacate a dead-end alley owned by the town that was then given to neighboring property owners. Farringer allegedly signed the document before he was sworn in.

Trustee Eva Mares is one of the leaders of the recall effort. Trustee Steven Ricotta, who is married to the town clerk who approved the petitions, is allegedly a potential beneficiary of the property vote, but is not targeted in the recall. The elected officials suggest that jealous over term length (Mares and Ricotta have only 2 year terms, the rest have 4 year terms) is a motivating factor for the recall.

Nevada: Supreme Court to hear appeal on State Senate recall effort

Five months after a lower court tossed out signatures in the recall attempts against Senators Joyce Woodhouse and Nicole Cannizzaro, the state Supreme Court has taken briefs on the appeal. The recall was an attempt by Republicans to gain a majority in the chamber.

The issue appears to be whether signers of recall petitions can later sign documents which would remove their signatures from the recall.

Update: Oral Arguments will be heard in February.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Arizona: Phoenix City Councilman facing recall effort

Phoenix City Council Michael Nowakowski (D) is facing a recall effort over his push to further study and potentially delay a light rail expansion. Nowakowski was previously threatened with a recall over same-sex marriage and transgender bathroom issues.

Michigan: Wayne Councilman just kicked out in recall is removed from Mayoral ballot

Former Councilman Chris Sanders, who was kicked out in May over his vote to move elections to even numbered years and extend their terms as well as a vote against selling a Banquet Center, has now been removed by a judge from the Mayor ballot in November over failing to file campaign finance documents.

Iowa: Petitions circulating to "reconsider" Alta Mayor, Councilman

Mayor Al Clark and Councilman Wes Bunjes are facing petitions to "reconsider" their role under Chapter 66 in the Iowa code -- though since Iowa does not have a recall law, it's not exactly the same thing. One of the leaders was removed from the Planning and Zoning Board.

Michigan: Fairbanks and Garden Township Supervisors up for Election Day recall election

Fairbanks Township Clerk Kathryn Denholm, Supervisor Ronald Collins, Trustee James Dalgord and Garden Township Supervisor Morgan Tatrow will be facing a November recall vote over the construction of right-of-way electric lines.

Michigan: Williamston School Board Members recall gets on the ballot

The recall of School Board President Greg Talberg and members Sarah Belander, Nancy Deal and Christopher Lewis will be on the November ballot. The issue was a vote for a policy that requires schools to accept the gender identity assertion of each student. Petitioners are claiming that the issue is that the policy doesn't guarantee informing parents. Petitioners needed 1425 valid signatures.

Oregon: Aumsville City Council appoints replacements; none of the leaders of the recall effort chosen

The leaders of the successful recall effort of three councilmembers, Trinia Lee,  Lorie Walters and Kevin Crawford, failed in their effort to win appointment as replacements. Angelica Ceja, Nico Casarez and Walter Wick all applied bu none were chosen. Larry Purdy, Gus Bedwell and Jim Case were all selected instead.

The recall was over a $12 per month increase in household utility bills.

Idaho: Sugar City Mayor and Councilman facing petitions

Mayor David Ogden and Councilman Brent Barrus (who was appointed to the role) are facing petitions -- petitioners need 167 signatures to get to the ballot. The issue seems to be legal costs over rezoning of property that is the cause of a significant battle in town.

Ohio: Second recall attempt launched against Cleveland Councilman

Councilman Basheer Jones is facing a second recall attempt presumably by supporters of former Councilman T. Dow, who lost to Jones by 13 votes last year. The first effort did not turn in signatures. Petitioners need 676 signatures -- the reason for the recall is threats that Jones allegedly made to businesses and questions about residency. The earlier attempt led to moves to tighten recall laws.

Oregon: Toledo Mayor, City Councilors kicked out

Mayor Billie Jo Smith  (446-357) and Councilors Terri Strom (435-377) and Deanne Dunlap (439-373) lost their recall votes on Tuesday. The recall started two lawsuits, one over the firing of the fire chief. The city recorder has also filed suit. The seats will be filled by appointment. Smith and Strom are running for reelection in November.

Turnout was 37%.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Oregon: Toledo Mayor, City Councilors facing 9/11 recall vote

Mayor Billie Jo Smith  and Councilors Terri Strom and Deanne Dunlap are facing two lawsuits and a recall vote following the firing of the fire chief. The city recorder has also filed suit. Petitioners needed 173 signatures.

Michigan: Hayes Township Commission members on November 6 ballot

Hayes Township Clerk Marlene Golovich, Treasurer Robbin Kraft and Trustee Paul Hoadley will be on the November 6 ballot, with Kraft already pulling out of running in the recall race. The issue is their support for a boat launch and fishing pier plan. Petitioners needed 222 signatures to get on the ballot.

New Jersey: West Wildwood recall effort threatened

Mayor Christopher Fox and Commissioners Scott Golden and Cornelius Maxwell are facing recall threats after the police chief was awarded a $1.7 million settlement after the Atlantic County Municipal Joint Insurance Fund pointed out problems with reinstating her.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Washington: Judge approves one count for Kennewick Council recall

A Benton County Superior Court Judge has approved the recall of Council member/former Mayor Steve Young. The Judge tossed out six of the seven charges over a lawsuit Young lost, but did approve the charge of violating Washington's Fair Campaign Practices Act. The language of the ballot would read "forwarding an email that can be interpreted as soliciting from a city of Kennewick employee a contribution on behalf of Dan Newhouse." Newhouse is Congressman Dan Newhouse (R).

Washington is a malfeasance standard/Judicial recall state, so the courts needed to way in on whether the recall meets the for cause requirement.

Petitioners need about 2675 signatures to get on the ballot.